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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Silver Lake posted:

I just got this very nice Wagon Queen Family Truckster. 


I find it very appropriate because today is my first day of Vacation. 

The white 77 Toyota Celica is also a new purchase. It is a NOS Solido.  I am slowly building up a nice late 70's early 80's car collection. You 1950's guys have it easy. 


   First off, I pull-through turbo charged a Toyota exactly like that to near 180hp, and he still got 34mpg in it.

  The underrated Diplomat is a very predictable car to drive "Dukes of Hazard" hard.

Are those movie cars too?

    You need a red Italian sports car now

Maybe even something for the bumper from Wallyworld ....or a dog

  You'll need 2 red Italian sports cars now Bueller?....Bueller?...Bueller?

   You like sci-fi; ever see "the Hidden"?  "I need the keys". The opening and immediate chase scene with Dio blasting is the highlight really, but the repeated dead pan "I need the keys" is funny.  "You need a black, and 3 red Italian sports cars now" .

Ok ,"I'm out" before I get too lost in movies & cars.... Excellent!

