Silver Lake posted:
First off, I pull-through turbo charged a Toyota exactly like that to near 180hp, and he still got 34mpg in it.
The underrated Diplomat is a very predictable car to drive "Dukes of Hazard" hard.
Are those movie cars too?
You need a red Italian sports car now
Maybe even something for the bumper from Wallyworld ....or a dog
You'll need 2 red Italian sports cars now Bueller?
You like sci-fi; ever see "the Hidden"? "I need the keys"
. The opening and immediate chase scene with Dio blasting is the highlight really, but the repeated dead pan "I need the keys" is funny. "You need a black, and 3 red Italian sports cars now"
Ok ,"I'm out" before I get too lost in movies & cars.... Excellent!