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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Lionel 224E/tender but needs a front truck . Yesterday I bought a book,"Pennsylvania Petroleum, 1750-1872" published by the Pa. historical and Museum Comm. in 1947. The oil boom in Pa. was much like the Gold Rush out west and a very interesting and neglected part of our history. There were lots of RRs involved and the oil fields and towns would make a very neat and different layout. Unlike lumber you wouldn't have to make trees-the hills were stripped bare. In southern  Butler Co. where I live had their own oil boom around the end of the 1800s.  There were quite a few boom towns right in the general area. A creek that runs through the township flowed solid crude oil when a new well had a big blowout. They said the crude flowed down the hill in a solid sheet.  the pictures are pretty neat-oil derricks in people's front and back yards, money made and lost all in one week. The towns had banks, hotels, opera houses, stores, saloons and a few churches plus several schools. crazy time.
