GPS- All map quests wrong directions right at your fingertips.
I saw a TomTom car the other day, it pulled into a dead end alley, I swear.
Half an hour later I counted twelve folks on just my side of the stoplight, with eyes or ears on the phone. I never thought there was good reason for self driving cars, but anything has to be safer than this.
If you can see your trailer ball on camera, your going to love it. I'd look into aiming it differently if you have to. Ive used one where the ball was in view and until the truck aligns automatically, it can't be beat.
I'm the oddball that backs into my spot so I can pull out. It's safer IMO. Illegal on govenment land really, but not private and I've never gotten a ticket. I really only use my side mirrors; like a trucker.
Underworld explorer, tame those copper vines with hot glue by itself or with wire bread ties with the thick plastic coating.