I got a vehicle with backup camera in late 2014. I use it, but also do everything else....if backing out of a parking lot there will be some bimbo pushing a stroller, on the phone, towing a couple of midgets, that is not on your camera screen, your engine is running, backup lights are on and car is moving....and...they suddenly appear right behind you, giving you the evil eye for not seeing THEM. Drivers immediately turn into deaf and blind pedestrians in parking lots, so I don't depend on that small field of view. Of course, when driving through a lot, I am amazed at how some people appear to accelerate back out of a parking space without looking, as though playing Russian roulette, relying on hope and the luck of the draw. Got hit in Chicago once by somebody who backed into me in a very visible line of cars at a stop light. I had to have been in her rearview mirror.
As for stuff recently glommed: found a Marx crane to fill out a work train set, missed a Marx diesel that went for BIG BUCKS, needed to fill another boxed set, and have been accumulating mechanically working, but with beat-up and broken castings, Marx #999 locos with the early spoked drivers, to bash into projects not expected to be commercially offered.