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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

TomlinsonRunRR posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


The Pan Am cars really look great!  What engine are you going to use to pull them

They do look great, don't they?  But does Pam Am really have passenger cars like this stashed away somewhere in Billerica or are these a fantasy issue?  Maybe something leftover from the B&M, Maine, or prior Guilford lines?  Regardless, it's an attractive set.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I'm not sure if there are Blue cars out there.  I was told Saturday that there are and there was a Pan Am cars excursion in Maine last summer.  I bought them because they are local to me (NH) and the blue color is cool.  I see Pan Am boxcars all the time at the Rte 107 RR crossing here in East Kingston.
