Thanks Bob, I think they were a mix and match. The set box had 7003 stamped on the side of it which I've seen as an uncataloged set with those cars and various engine's sometimes a later 258 and others a 1688 but never the larger O gauge 265E. This one seems to be a 1940 version based on the trucks and coupler on the tender and so it could have come in the 1940 135E set with a 2654, 2652, and 2657. I've posed it with those cars here. It did end up being very clean although the shipper allowed some loose track clips in the package and one of them got wedged between the steam chest and the box causing some "new" scratches. Minor, but this engine was so clean it is noticeable to me. I'll live though! I probably paid a little more than I wanted, but on the other hand a paid less than half what a new MTH version would cost and I'll take a nice original every day of the week.