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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

PSAP2010 posted:

I bought two MTH flatbeds.  One is the CSX safety train flatbed which came with  a 20 ft. container and tank container shown with 2 of tank containers from the 60 ft. flatbed in the second photo.   The other is the 60 ft.  flatbed which came with 3 tank containers which is in the first photo with the safety train containers.

I think MTH should have used their 60 ft. flatbed for the CSX Safety Train.  What do you think?IMG_0388IMG_0389

    To be honest, to me it looks kinda empty in the center. But I have no clue what would be more correct outside of "what was best & available in the yard vs load size".

And besides if YOU like it, then that's what's best IMO.
