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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Mill City posted:
carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
Mill City posted:

Impressive! But I have to ask; Where dose it all live during it's post season hiatus?

In the big building he wanted for the Layout! 

Mike hit the nail on the head!!  I built a 16x32 building in the back.  16x24 was closed in for a train layout. Even built the bench work!   Ended up full of Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Valentines decorations!   If you see pictures of my present layout build you see some Halloween stuff under the layout.  Have another 8x12  building close to the back of the house.  2/3 of it is full of Christmas stuff.   The window with Tazz and Tweety has a 4x10 table/shelf in it with molds on top and below it.   I have well over 1000 blow molded figures.  The room on the left end is my new train room!  

Notice the red/green/blue/and white snowmen that represent our military, police, fire, and first responders.  

I take all of my "hobbies" seriously!   I also collect Mark Martin die-cast cars.  And dabble in self defense "equipment" LOL 


Edit:  OOPs forgot I also have a 12x24 steel building I got to put my camper in.  Built a 4 shelf 4x8 storage area that is 100% Halloween!   20171106_183709

It's very comforting knowing that I'm not alone with collecting pathologies. I'm currently in recovery and have reduced warehouse space from 9000f2 down to 1500f2. The saying was, "if it's large, heavy, and obsolete, I probably have it." At least blow mold stuff isn't heavy, but you must have several tons of zip cords, cube taps cable, and distros to power all that stuff up. Fun, nevertheless...

I'm lost somewhere between "Hoarders" and "American Pickers". 
