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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

O Gauge Guy & T RUN RR

   My NASA Switcher Engines are the older P2 #1 Red, White and Black, I have 2 of these Switcher Engines, to run as a double header & the P3 #3 Blue, White and Red Switcher.  I do not have the P3 Genset Deisel Version.  Here is the truth, NASA never had one, unless they Purchased one after I retired.  All the NASA Engines were 1500 type Switchers in real life, when President Reagan's Star War Program was being built.  The one Engine MTH did not produce was the Michoud NASA internal plant, Yellow, Red & Black Switcher, that moved the LO and LH Tanks around for rail shipment to the Gulf.  Of Course MTH might never have had access to actually see or photograph this particular NASA Switcher Engine, to know of it's existence.





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