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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Well today marks the day that phase one of the yard improvement is nearing completion. All I have to do now is finish nailing tracks and start adding ties to where I removed them due to cut track. Phase 2 will consist of smaller buildings and lighting.C39F9939-1AAD-4A9C-A707-78602FE9A54CEF875BBF-BBD2-4E06-A869-7E8982A10C6A40FAEBE7-7AE1-49AA-BFBC-1D37E5D97EB8Here is the new car shop that is 90% complete. Hoping to finish up tomorrow and start planning the supply list for phase 2 improvements.


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  • C39F9939-1AAD-4A9C-A707-78602FE9A54C
  • EF875BBF-BBD2-4E06-A869-7E8982A10C6A
  • 40FAEBE7-7AE1-49AA-BFBC-1D37E5D97EB8