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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Mark Boyce posted:
Lou1985 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Lou, The Texas is very massive for sure!  That looks like a great deal to me.  I am the same as you, I like to keep mine out running.

I purposely didn't build shelves/storage space when I built my layout. That way I make sure I really want something before I buy it, otherwise it won't fit. Plus I save money, as I don't have to fill a bunch of empty shelves 😁.

I like your thinking 

Thanks. Plus it's nice to know how much stuff I have simply by looking at my layout. I have 9 locomotives. That's plenty. 

I like having enough to enjoy in my spare time. I have an old Ford Thunderbird. I wanted to get another one but realized early on I could have one nice car or two that were ok but never finished. I applied the same philosophy to trains. I can have a few nice pieces or a bunch of stuff that's just ok. The old adage of quality over quantity. 
