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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

HEy all! Been awhile- hence the long post. Slipped on black ice at work and had a head injury so it’s been a recovery. I have picked up some nice pieces in the meantime and was able to make it to the Allentown Spring thaw with my dad that last weekend, my first time I could go anywhere with that amount of people, lights, etc...anyway here’s what I’ve ontained in the meantime from the show, friends, and relatives. Post is long but just happy to be back in the board!

The RMT AEC I got somewhere else but I really like AEC pieces. The UN hummer is 1:43 scale, my layout has a humanitarian crises at the moment so it works well. The other figure I’ve shiwn before(k-line SWAT). The guy on the scooter i thought was cool and I liked the metal figure as well(make unknown- says stuff in the bottom and then Africa). Below that is my UN convoy in action with a Corgi 1:50 scale I got from my grandfather back when I was maybe 9 or 10. He might’ve passed 2 years ago but he keeps on giving and I feel I inherited a lot of skills and inspiration for my layout from him!



I losted this on the tinplage forum. Love me some toy soldiers, especially 19th century British soldiers. The Flyer observation car and caboose I got at spring thaw. Obs car 1207 goes with the 1205(also from my grandfather). Flyer caboose was very cheap so got that as well3F99BAB4-4B6F-4F5C-8E59-901C1F4D4BAE


Picked up these 3 cars for a good deal. Two are 1690 ‘Ives R.R.” Lines, the 1691 in Lionel Lines but they all match and I can change the coupler of the front car as needed to fit with my Ives 3250 electric.406A9A49-F130-4B2E-B064-1F5CF66D2022


Got mydad’s lionel type v transformer restored. Currently not using it on my layout but it will play a roleonce I expand. 7FB37246-F9DD-4A94-8F4E-BA3CF7944667


BElow is my father’s gang car, fixed it up myself and works great. Can’t wait to find use for it on my expansion.FA35D8D9-79F4-4DC2-AE68-0A6C71F10048

Obtained these MTH Amtrak Railking coaches from a dear friend. They go very well with the AEM-7 I run on my mainline.


Finally, I got 2 I’d these “hedges” from my other grandfather who passed when I was about 2 years older. I saw them in Tom Snyder’s Lionel layout video and was wondering what they were used for? The picture below this one is for reference from said video.



sorry for the long post, thought it was cool enough to share and was really just excited to be back on the board! Hope all has been well.




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