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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Picked these items up over the last week from ebay or the LHS:

Postwar Lionel U.S. Army Transportation CORPS #41 Gas turbine switcher. Had been sitting in my LHS for AWHILE but I had assumed it had gotten some maintenance. Went to run it, and it was making A LOT more noise than expected(I heard these were loud-  but didn't sound right). Opened it up- Possibly the dirtiest motor box I've ever cleaned- the black grime was unbelievable. Gave it a thorough cleaning and now it runs great and sounds fine!

Lionel US Army Transportation Corps 41

MTH RealTrax Lockon, 2 lights to put in different structures, and a BCR to install in my Protosound Amtrak AEM-7. Also picked up quite a few pieces of realtrax as I'm thinking of using that on my layout.

Mth Track lock on, BCR, Lights for Pville

Corgi Tactical Strike USMC Infantry Set. 1:64th scale. Smaller than expected but will look nice on the more toy portion of my layour

Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64th scale in box


Out of box Corgi figures. On the left is an o-line reproductions 1:48/o-scale figure to compare size different

Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64 Scale figures

2 new modern era rolling stock pieces and a postwar small motorized switcher- the later of which I've wanted for awhile

3 new cars engine

Green LV 16258 Boxcar from mid 90s. Will look nice on my LV consist

LV Green Boxcar 16528

CNW work caboose- was only 5 bucks. Thought it looked pretty cool

Lionel CNW Work Caboose



O-line Reproduction soldier hitching a ride on the side of the switcher

Lionel 41 Switcher With O Scale Repro Figure

After I saw that the Corgi figures were smaller than expected, I thought I'd make a line-up of figures on different parts of my layout. Trying to keep the size of figures consistent on the more scale portioned part of my layout so between the bride unknown maker of the US army soldier. Smallest on the left to the largest on the right:

Plastic Ertl County Fair playset figure, Plastic/Rubber Corgi 1:64th scale soldier, Diecasr American Flyer postwar bride, Diescast Worker(labeled Union of South Africa on bottom), Plastic Classic Plasticville 1960s man-walking, Plastic Model Power "o-27/o-31" woman walking with flowers, Diecast American Flyer figure from set Figure 578, Plastic O-line Reproductions Station Figure, Plastic Model Power o-27,o-31 figure from "Poor People" set, Plastic K-line O-Scale SWAT team figure, Plastic O-Line Reproductions O-Scale Soldier, Diecast Johilco Train station figure, Diecast Johilco "Hobo", Lemax boy with accordion, Rubber Homie, Diecast Army Soldier(unknown make) , Diecast WB Britains Royal Scots Guard, Diecast Lincoln Logs Figure, Die-cast Barclay Standard Gauge figure from Lionel Set, Auburn Rubber Trains(NOT AMT/AUBURN) figure

Figure Comparrison


Images (9)
  • Mth Track lock on, BCR, Lights for Pville
  • Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64th scale in box
  • Corgi Tactical Strike USMC 1 64 Scale figures
  • 3 new cars engine
  • LV Green Boxcar 16528
  • Lionel CNW Work Caboose
  • Lionel US Army Transportation Corps 41
  • Lionel 41 Switcher With O Scale Repro Figure
  • Figure Comparrison
Last edited by StevefromPA