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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

I ran across this thing at a Thrift Store for $3 and remembered one like it from my Dentist Office. We've all seen them in action when the Dentist mixes the amalgam to fill the hole in your tooth.  I thought for years I could use that for mixing paint in the small bottles model paint comes in so I snatched the thing right off the shelf.  And boy does it work great. I took a bottle of paint that has been sitting in a drawer for three years, the resin was on top and all the pigment was in the lower quarter inch of the bottle.  The "Wig-L-Bug" has a 0~60 second timer and I had to run it twice to get all the pigment off the bottom. I would have been shaking it by hand all night or using a toothpick to mix it this well.  The holder was not designed to mount paint bottles so I wrapped the bottle in a turn of shipping foam that did the job well enough on the small one once Testers bottle.  I will build some sort of fixture to hold other bottles with less trouble. Will also remove the top since it won't close with the bottle in place. But this thing is great should you run into a deal on one.  I searched "Wig-L-Bug" on eBay and a bunch came up.  I also searched Amalgam Mixer and a bunch of new ones came up a LOT more expensive.       j103_7450103_7452


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