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Reply to "Buy/Make Anything Cool Lately (Tinplate Version)"

A recently acquired Ives 1100 steamer, 1910 version. Once again (and the trusty Greenberg guide book) has provided great info- explaining the numerous different versions between the original in 1910 and the final year of 1924.
This thing is seriously ancient- it's seen here with the incorrect tender and some Ives freight cars. Unfortunately the bell was broken off the shell long ago, perhaps someone out there has a junker 1100 shell (meaning one of the many later versions) that they are willing to part with that I could transplant a bell from? It does not run- appears to be due to broken wires in the armature windings. Some pictures are also included of the mechanism removed from the shell; only one axle is powered. Note all the little punch marks on the driven wheels- is this factory or did some one improvise to enhance traction? Ives 1100 1910 version 3Ives 1100 1910 versionIves 1100 1910 version 2Ives 1100 1910 version drive unitIves 1100 1910 version with cars


Images (5)
  • Ives 1100 1910 version 3
  • Ives 1100 1910 version
  • Ives 1100 1910 version 2
  • Ives 1100 1910 version drive unit
  • Ives 1100 1910 version with cars