A recently acquired Ives 1100 steamer, 1910 version. Once again Ivestrains.org (and the trusty Greenberg guide book) has provided great info- explaining the numerous different versions between the original in 1910 and the final year of 1924. http://www.ivestrains.org/CD/O_Gauge/locomotive/electric/1100/htmlfiles/No1100_2.htm
This thing is seriously ancient- it's seen here with the incorrect tender and some Ives freight cars. Unfortunately the bell was broken off the shell long ago, perhaps someone out there has a junker 1100 shell (meaning one of the many later versions) that they are willing to part with that I could transplant a bell from? It does not run- appears to be due to broken wires in the armature windings. Some pictures are also included of the mechanism removed from the shell; only one axle is powered. Note all the little punch marks on the driven wheels- is this factory or did some one improvise to enhance traction?