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Reply to "Buy/Make Anything Cool Lately (Tinplate Version)"

George S posted:
Nation Wide Lines posted:
Jim O'C posted:
George S posted:

This fascinates me a little.  Several years without a sale and a AF 3007 PA gondola sells to me. The next week another is listed on a Buy it Now sale for less. It seems I set the market. The one listed is not in as good of condition as mine, but the price is less than I paid. You will see this on both sides of the buying and selling market. There are some very fine pieces listed for sale at prices that are at the top of the market, but their condition bears the price. However, they go unsold. I'm still learning about collecting, and collecting is changing with online auctions. Yet, there is still a price you need to decide on every purchase depending on rarity and condition.


they made a 3009 sand dump car but only in 4-wheel, so I think you now have all the bases covered. 

They made a 6.5 inch dump car as an 8 wheel car, it is numbered 3019.  




I think you guys are just trying to trick me with the odd American Flyer numbering schemes. 

Given the 3000 series I have collected are 9 1/2" lithographed cars, I don't think either of the dump cars could be considered part of the series. The log car is a little unusual in this set as it is the only one that is not litho, but it has the same trucks and size and is generally considered part of that series of cars. There is also a derrick car numbered in the 3000's, but it is considered part of the 3200 series cars. I still want to upgrade some of my cars, but I am pretty happy that I have one of each in pretty good condition.



Actually, the log car has a lithographed letterboard on it, so it fits in with the other lithographed cars.  The only thing Flyer neglected to make in the 9 inch litho series is a 9-inch litho caboose.

Next up, you will have to start collecting some of the enameled 3200 series cars, such as the 3210 tank cars, which came in multiple colors.


Last edited by Nation Wide Lines