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Reply to "Can I have back to back O96 curves on my layout?"

Assuming you mean creating an "S" turn with your 096 curves, one left followed by one right, that should work.   I believe John Armstrong covered S turns with 2 recommendations,  the preferred configuration is to have a straight section between the reversing curves of at least the length of your longest piece of rolling stock, ie. 21 inch passenger car.    However, I am 99% sure I remember him also stating that if you don't have room for the straight, then the 2nd best option is to go directly from the left hand curve to the right hand curve with NO straight section at all.   

096 is the minimum curvature on my layout,  I have one spot where I have an S with no straight track between them and it runs fine even with long passenger trains (21 inch cars).   

If you have some longer modern freight, or passenger cars, I'd recommend you just set up a test section and push pull some long cars through, paying attention to how the couplers react.   Typically the longer the car, the longer the overhang from wheel truck center to the end of the car frame and coupler knuckle  so they tend to swing in opposite directions going through the "S". 

Hope that helps
