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Reply to "Can't Control MTH RealTrax Turnouts w/DCC ?? (Pls prove me WRONG)"


THANKS for the two replies to this question.

One word- relays

  • ==> I don't see how a relay would help here ??  Please elaborate if you have time to.


Does NCE have a “black box” that will turn a light on/off or one with a momentary impulse intended to throw switches? Digitrax, Marklin/Trix, Bachmann have such a device. I would think NCE would have something similar.

  • ==> NCE in fact, DOES have several "black boxes" to control turnout motors.
  • ==> But that signal is not intended to "mix" with the track signal (as is the case with these 3-rail turnouts).

Further, I thought I read on this forum, many years ago, that DCC doesn’t work well with O gauge switches in general due to the electrical path DCC has to take in the switch.


  • ==> I think this is the problem, the turnout motor and the rails are part of the same "electrical path" you mentioned.
  • ==> I tried to find that post you mentioned, but could not find it.
  • When DCS is used, the "black box" is the AIU -- which is designed to "play" with the TIU.
  • But MTH hasn't designed an equivalent "black box" to use with DCC, and I'm sure they're NOT interested in doing so.
Last edited by James Ingram