Again, in the previous post we covered separate auxilary power and a transformer for powering the switch and how to ISOLATE- by removing the jumper- the switch motor section and power and lights from DCC track power. Again- remove the jumper on all realtrax switches. Then wire a separate power source just for switches.
You said this earlier- NCE Corp. makes the Switch-Kat (for Kato & LGB), Switch-It (for Tortoise), and Snap-It (for American Flyer & S Helper) for controlling various types of turnout motors.
Just some discussion on why different control modules are made and what they are intended for. The realtrax switches are twin coil motors. A few brands have twin coil motors- Atlas being another one. The difference is MTH added extra circuitry and switches inside the motor to disable a coil once the switch has fully moved one direction or the other. This added circuitry helps to protect the coils from overheating if the activation or control circuit rather than a limited pulse or time of commanding the switch to switch- is more of a constant on one direction or the other (momentary VS toggle- basically). Because of this built in feature of self disabling the coil for a direction once in that position- we can treat this as a much simpler motor without worry. In other words- the very specific protection of something like a capacitive discharge switch control like "Snap-It" is not strictly required and won't help a lot with this switch.
So, of NCE decoder choices, QSnap seems IMO to meet some needs and features we might want given the situation.
It's a twin coil machine- just no capacitive discharge and can be separately powered and thus semi isolated from direct DCC track power.
Last a snippet from the manual
DC power option
A DC power connector is provided if you wish to use external power to run the decoder
and switch machines. This will enable the Switch8-Mk2 will ride through DCC track
shorts without power interruptions. Use a power supply providing between 9 and
15VDC with a 2.5/5.5mm plug, center positive (The NCE P114 is a good option here).
The power supply should be able to supply at least 200mA. If you connect an external
supply move the DC/DCC Power Select Switch to the DC position.
The DC voltage for the switch machines will be approximately 2 volts less than twice the
DC volts. Example : 12Vdc will yield about ((2 x 12) - 2) or 22 volts to the switch