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Reply to "CB&Q and Fort Worth & Denver passenger cars"

@GG1 4877 posted:

I've been eyeing a Lionel Observation or considering converting my K-Line ESE obs into a similar car to model the CBQ one that is preserved at the National Railway Museum.  Thanks for the inspiration!

As for the rest of my K-Line ESE cars?  Dare I say they are likely getting redone in PC.  I know how dare a deface such a fine thread with a road name like that.

Great work as always Rob!

Stuff you already know:  the Lionel already has great lighting and plastic windows which remove without a battle.  The K-Line has incandescent lighting prone to flickering. The window openings are noticably larger and covered with a thin clear plastic strip. Lionel has the best doors and diaphragms (IMHO). K-Line’s E.G. Budd fluting looks the better, to me. Those are some of several differences.

P.S. I have never disliked Penn Central…maybe felt kinda sorry for them. I will never forget a cartoon I saw in Trains magazine decades ago. A forlorn looking kid is sitting on the floor running a PC train on a loop. The transformer has a throttle and 3 buttons: Forward-Reverse-Liquidate. Haha

Last edited by Rob Leese