@Allan Miller posted:Folks are always lamenting growing the hobby. My recommendation: Forget about putting the responsibility for future growth on the TCA or, even more unfairly, on the TCA Eastern Division. Those groups have heard it all before.
If you want to see the hobby grow, the very best way to do it is to do it yourself. If every member of our great hobby--including OGR Forum participants--would take it upon themselves to attract just ONE new participant to the hobby on an annual basis, the growth would be there. "Grow the hobby one person at a time" is something I have advocated for years, and I firmly believe that OGR magazine has helped to cultivate interest successfully, even though the magazine is no longer readily available at newsstands and large book retailers such as B&N and others.
When you have a visitor to your layout, or come across someone else in your circle of friends, colleagues, or acquaintances, who asks about your hobby, consider giving him or her one of your past issues of OGR. Perhaps--just perhaps--when they see a sampling of what this hobby offers, they may may enticed to jump in and give it a try. And they will know who to turn to if/when they have questions or need some advice.
I agree with Alan. I noticed most of the posts are about individual people's preferences (time off, work schedules, time of year, certain days). But nothing really on how to expand the TCA membership. You don't join the TCA just to go to the ED Train Meet. It seems that is all it is equated too. You join to become part of an organization that enjoys and promotes the collecting of toy trains! That where everyone should focus. Start your own local groups that pulls in young members, and they will naturally join the organization if they fall in love with trains too!
I have always liked that the ED meet was TCA members only. Just opening to the public is not going to increase membership. Then it is just another train show that families go to, so they have something to do. Like going to an amusement park. They aren't going to spend big bucks on trains.
It looked pretty healthy to me on Friday as people were bumping into me!
Remember, the number of members at the ED Meet is not the number of members in the TCA. There is a whole country of TCA members!
I would love to see Thursday as a full day (it's always too short, lol), but either way I am there!
I think it says something when you are willing to pay 50.00 to get a membership. It means want to be part of the TCA and have a common interest with other members and want to be part of a group that shares those interests.
There are plenty of shows for the general public.
Concerned about membership? Then do as Alan said and start your own local groups and bring in new members.
Just my opinion!