@Mellow Hudson Mike posted:Isn't it clear that it's everyone's responsibility, manufacturers and hobbyists, TCA and EDTCA, included?
I very much support this hobby with my hobby $$ as well as sharing via forum participation (helping others/etc). I also welcome any non model-railroader that happens to visit our home to view my layout IF (after finding out I am a model railroader) they show an interest in seeing it. I answer their questions and give a very brief demonstration of how things work.
However, to throw an all-inclusive blanket over me telling me it's also MY responsibility to grow anything hobby-wise: You're gonna' have a tough (impossible) time selling that to me.
I have enough "must do's" in life. Adding such a responsibility is not going to be among them. Period.
Whose primary responsibility is it to "grow" this hobby? I personally feel it's those that are in this "hobby" to make a profit or have a financial stake in it. Let THEM do the footwork/legwork, and stir interest. THEY'RE the ones that will profit the most. I'm the CONSUMER... they are the FOR PROFIT producers. It's up to them to create product/interest that makes me want to spend my hobby $$.
At my age (71), and given the secondary market flooding, I can sustain myself within the hobby without the need of purchasing anything "latest/greatest". I have almost everything I need in order for my hobby to take me to the end of the line. Those things that I need (supplies/parts/etc), are in strong supply and in current production without needing me to "grow their business" for them. That's their worry, not mine.
My hobby "concern" is to accomplish as much as is practical on my layout, and enjoy it as much as is practical, until that day I must pull my final pin in this life.