@Mellow Hudson Mike posted:No one's telling you personally that you have to do anything.
But, someone has to do it. Enough of us have for over 120 years to ensure that our beloved hobby is still here. Who carries on next? These are the folks that the TCA needs to attract.
It's not just the manufacturers that make this thing work. All of us do; no matter how little it all adds up.
You just did (in your original post), Mike. I was only quoting your own words, which were: "Isn't it clear that it's everyone's responsibility, manufacturers and hobbyists, TCA and EDTCA, included?" (The italicized emphasis on "everyone's" was inserted by you.)
"Everyone" means just that, unless you're using the word as a synecdoche. However, your follow up thoughts you expressed indicates you did not intend to use it as a synecdoche.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with one trying to make an impact upon what one perceives as a need, or even working under the perception that it's their personal responsibility to do so. However, I feel its misguided when that person attempts to coerce others into joining one's "cause" by trying to project it onto others as being "their" responsibility also.
As for "who carries on next"? Those that decide to receive the baton and continue the relay run.