@Todds Architectural Models posted:Even though the dealer halls have been "open to the public" for five years or so, in general the public either does not know it or chooses to look down on the show as a "members only" event.
The current young generation does not support the idea of membership, in general, to anything, but there is no way you are going to attract new members if those potentially interested don't even get in the door to get educated about the topic, in this case- toy trains.
I partially disagree with the first statement. I highly doubt that the "public" looks down on the show as a "Members only" event. The meet is geared to the die hard O Gauge Train enthusiast. If the ED decides they want more of the public to attend they need to have more things to attract families such as a train ride around the grounds, train races like Allentown, a couple of more display layouts and perhaps a slot car track that kids can race on and win a medal. At times Edison has had the slot car track. Then possibly families who have a slight interest in model trains would make the trip and attend. I agree most of the public doesn't know about it or they don't feel it is worth their time and money to attend. Another thing is I don't think the "public" (and by saying the public I mean people or families who have a slight interest in model trains) are willing to drive long distances to ANY train show not just the York Meet. York is not a huge city. Unlike Edison, NJ where it is in the most densely populated state. There are many populated towns near Edison and it is also close to Staten Island. I just can't see Mom and Dad packing up the kids and driving for hours to go to any train show. Maybe it does happen in some cases but then either the Dad, Mom, or the child has more than a slight interest in model trains. In my opinion we want the people who have a slight interest in model trains to attend any train show because maybe their interest will grow.
The second statement answers itself. No matter how much the young generation (most but not all) likes toy-trains they are always going to think I can get all I need from forums like this, you tube and other online venues that are free so why should they spend the $50 to join and at this point I wonder if it is the money. Perhaps just don't want the so called responsibility of being a member of a group. As I said earlier it is a sad situation but it is what it is. My opinion.
I am surprised to hear that the dealers would want a Friday, Saturday and Sunday Meet but if they and the ED feel it will improve attendance then I say give it a try. Either way I will still attend. Every year I attend Chryslers at Carlisle and that show has been growing every year. A few years back (not counting 2020) they were at 2700 cars and they were growing by 100 cars every year until last year they broke 3000 cars. It's a very well run, well attended show but even that show is kind of dead on Sundays. I usually go home on Sunday. Friday and Saturday are the big days and I can usually see everything over those 2 days. I would not be surprised if York was the same way if it were Friday, Saturday and Sunday.