@Arthur P. Bloom posted:One must be prepared to make sacrifices for one's hobbies and extra-curricular activities. For 37 years, in periods of self-employment, no employment, being laid-off, being retired, and Workin' for the Man, I have scheduled time off to attend the ED meet, because it's important to me.
If you can't figure out how to get one day off, twice a year, you need to re-evaluate your priorities, or switch to stamp collecting. It's worked fine since 1955. Let's not try to find a solution to a non-problem.
And, I concur that we don't want the general public attending. We want members. And we need to go back to the two-signature rule, for security reasons.
If your traveling from west of Indiana I'm guessing it is at least a 12 hour drive. To do that without beating yourself up it is a two day trip. So now to attend Friday it is 3 vacation days.