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Reply to "Change the days for the York meet."

An Open Letter to the Eastern Division:

First, I really love coming to York and want the meet to continue.  This letter is written in that spirit.  A few posts back I proposed an auction and a social for Saturday night.  It's not in my nature to criticize without proposing something that would help, so here goes.

One idea that our NMRA Division has used to great advantage is that of a silent or Chinese auction.  Our division solicits desirable items from donors that members can buy tickets for.  Gee, how about asking Lionel to donate 1-2 BigBoys (or giving the Eastern Division an absolute rock-bottom price to acquire them for auction?).  Or Atlas?  Or MTH?  Or asking some of the big stores / distributors (Charles Ro, Mr. Muffin, Trainland, Mario's Gryszboski, etc.) to donate items for auction?  Then throughout the preceding days of the meet (Thursday, Friday, Saturday - whatever), members can view the item, decide to bid, buy 2-part tickets, fill them out, and put the identifying part in the bin of their choice (keep the numbered part).  No limit on the number of tickets that can be purchased.  Make the price $1-2 / ticket.  

On Saturday night, you open one of the smaller halls, say Purple or Black and hold the auction.  Encourage some food trucks to park outside so that people can get something to eat and watch the show.  Then you bring in someone to pick from the bin, announce the result (no shortage of self-important blowhards for that purpose), and award the prizes.  You could also coordinate the ice-cream social for the end of the evening.  Make it a party.

Our NMRA division uses this technique to help offset our Model Railroad Jamboree every April.  We auction off dozens of donated items.  Say you get 400 members (out of a potential 8,000 member attendance) interested in the auction and each decides to spend $20 (sell the tickets only in multiples).  You'll gross $8,000 but more importantly, create interest and a reason to keep coming back.

I guarantee you will have a crowd and raise some money - maybe enough to help with the meet costs.  Keep the auction for members only and tell the taxman to take a hike.  This also creates an inducement for joining the TCA.

Yes, there are some details to work out.  And yes, it takes upfront preparation and work to ask for donations.  No question there.  But I think the reward far outweighs the effort.

That's the proven idea that I freely give to the Eastern Division to help them out.  All you need is the will to carry it out.

