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Reply to "Change the days for the York meet."

I believe Thursdays open at noon so that it gives the vendors and sellers time to set up.  If the meet was just 2 days, what time would vendors and sellers need to get there to set up?  How do the people here who have a table feel about the current schedule?

Currently, we in the member halls have 3 hours to set up on Thursday (9am-Noon).  Personally, I need 2.5 hours myself, while others need more or less as their situation dictates.  Orange Hall setup is Wednesday 8am-6pm and 8am-Noon on Thursday (14 hours total) --  we usually stop by the fairgrounds Wednesday morning after the Bandits to do miscellaneous things like re-print forgotten badges, sign up guests, transfer tables, etc., and Orange Hall is always busy with activity at that time.  On normal Saturdays, we are usually out of the hall by 3:30pm - 4pm.  I have no idea how long it takes Orange hall to clear out, but I can't imagine it is anywhere near the 1-2 hours it takes the average member in the member halls.

If the EDTCA is responsible for post-meet activities, like stacking tables and chairs for the fairgrounds and cleaning up meet-related materials and signs, in addition to packing up their Silver Hall command center, this work might spill over into Sunday.  I assume that a week's rental at the fairgrounds runs Monday-Sunday, so it might be the reason for the schedule.  This is just speculation on my part, but in the case of clean up activities, I know in the member halls, when it is cleared out or almost cleared out, an EDTCA volunteer or volunteers go around to every table to tear off the name stickers they put on the tables to ID the "owners" of the spaces, so there are some clean up activities required of the EDTCA.


Last edited by Andy Hummell