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Reply to "Comments on Recent OGR Magazine Issues"

I agree Arnold, Skip's article "A New York State of Mind" was outstanding.

While I am a "dyed in the wool" PRR fan, I nevertheless appreciate the wonder and majesty of NY City and the NYC and their respective fascinating history as it relates to both prototype and model railroading. I have all the past articles on Skip's layouts, including his Dept 56 layout displays of yesteryear.

Going on a tangent a bit, it'd be very cool to watch a well-done video of Skip's NYC layout; especially if it was made with narration that highlighted the various scenes and structures, with videography done at various angles, including track level, kind of tour via a train and story-telling, in the tradition of what Allen Keller had accomplished with his top-shelf video layout tours. Videos like this are likely expensive, certainly time-consuming to produce, which is probably why we don't see them very often.
