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Reply to "Continuing Saga …"

My theory about Mr. Murphy follows a similar investigation of the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. When my daughter was four or five, she began to question about how the "Tooth fairy knew that her tooth was under the pillow". This will date the answer a bit, "I replied drolly, "It's CB radio. The tooth fairy is in constant, speed-of-light communication with all the places where teeth are residing." When I give scientific sounding answers, I sound very convincing and this bought us just one more year. My daughter is very smart. So now we have to up the ante. Santa and the tooth fairy (and Mr. Murphy) operate in the quantum mechanic realm. They can pop in and out of existence instantly and when not here, they are in 'No Time Zone' meaning they can appear instantly at all places at the same time. So Mark, it is quite plausible that Murphy was pushing my acorn nut as far under the dryer as physically possible and screwing you up at your house at the same time, but in different space. Neils Bohr would be proud. Einstein, on the other hand, might be a bit non-plussed since he really got into this QM stuff.

I redrew the intake cone assembly of the ALCo's turbo. It was a mishmash of various shaped cylinders and odd shapes and there were discontinuities creating voids and some print fail areas. I work up this morning realizing the best way to make the assembly was to draw the entire profile and then use "follow me" tool to lathe it into a cylindrical shape. It worked. It's now a single solid piece and the subsequent part in the slicer worked much better. I'll be starting this print this morning. 

Meanwhile, the piping bundle printed perfectly. It's on the machine waiting for me. That surprised me. I thought it would be a failure since it's so fragile. You never can tell.
