I forgot to post a picture of the open mold. I really don't understand the color shift between the bottom and top mold halves. I thought I was using the exact same proportions of blue and pink, but the mix doesn't lie. The second batch clearly is heavier in the pink. It cured fine and worked. As you can see in the mold, there was some transference where the top mold stuck to the bottom as a result of no mold release coating in place. I was still able to rip it open… thankfully. The mold is not pretty, but it was effective. Anywhere you see lavender on the left mold and blue on the right is an area where the new silicone bonded to the older. It should happen that way. The mold proper did not leak and the product is pretty flash free. There were a lot more alignment lugs that glued themselves together and got torn apart when I opened the mold. Next time: DON'T FORGET THE MOLD RELEASE!!!