Barrels? I'm going to have to get a bunch of them. I have a few left over from some other kits, but they won't cut it.
I finished the roofing felt today, and then realized, "I'd better paint all the trim before shingling". If I slop paint of the roofing felt, big deal. If I do the same on the shingles, I'm in trouble.
As it were, what was supposed to be a long session turned into a pretty short one. My daughter bought my youngest grandson a Yamaha digital piano and asked me to come over and assemble the stand. He's a budding musician and wants to learn to play the piano. It's something my dad (who was a professional pianist when he was younger) wanted me to learn, but I was a smart aleck and only wanted to play guitar. Shows you what a kid knows... not much.
So I was only able to just paint the green trim. The concrete trim will be done tomorrow. I have to put in all the door thresholds too. And then it's shingles and doing the resin casting bit.
As you can see I did get green on the roof, but it won't matter. I have one more hole to add to the bottom plate. The wire from the kitchen lighting has to join up with the main building lighting circuit. I'm to drill a hole just below the hole you see in the junction area, and I'll fish the wire below the model to join the others. Regarding the parapet caps, I have to prepare them and pre-paint them before installation. There's simply too many chances to get paint on the brick work with them.