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Reply to "Convert a WBB E7 AA set to 2 rail"

Originally Posted by rrjjf:

DL&W Pete.


Andre has come up with another method of converting these trucks that looks pretty good to me.  He does lose one powered wheel set on each truck in the process.  I would expect he powers this set up with a single horizontal motor mounted between the trucks.   The Williams trucks do have all wheels powered if I remember correctly. Two of these uE-7 nits, both powered with modified original drives should easily pull your train, especially if you add some weight in the empty fuel tank castings.  Either method will require some machine work as I see Andre has installed brass bearings in his truck sideframes to support the Weaver axles. 


I know the Weaver drives are popular but I have replaced many split axle gears on these drives and although I believe I have come up with a fix for the gears splitting (time will tell), the cracking axle gear is a flaw in an otherwise very nice drive.  I believe the problem is caused by the delrin gears shrinking with age around the steel axle.  I have a set of RS3 units that sat in the engine house for a long time (a couple of years) and several of the gears were cracked when I pulled the engines out to run them.  They did not split in operation, just sitting still.


Joe Foehrkolb

Correct I installed a 24 volt high torque motor.

the old weaver gears cracked after few years but you can use the NWSL that are machined using aged delrin, brass bushing and better look wheels.

