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Reply to "Convert a WBB E7 AA set to 2 rail"

The easiest way to 2-rail these things is to insulate one side, then use a "tender".  I usually use an express refrigerator to pick up the opposite polarity, but for an AA set you just use the other unit, and separate them with plastic couplers.


I am with Joe - best to retain the Williams truck block, if you cannot power the center axle any other way.  My converted K- Line will outpull my 2- rail MTH by a huge margin.


I believe, but am not sure, that the axle gear splitting problem was fixed by Weaver some years ago.  They started using aged Celcon.  That is the secret.  You machine the stuff after aging, and no more problems


Tell me more about Sterling?  Are their prices within the zone of reasonableness?


My big question is, now that these are so cheap that I cannot resist, how accurate are they? Are they full size, or slightly undersize, like the Williams PAs, Challengers, etc.?
