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Reply to "D.G. Yuengling and Son Double Sheathed Standard O Boxcar"

PSU89 posted:

I looked on eBay and couldn't find this boxcar.  Does anyone have a link?  Thank you.

I break enough of the unnecessary rules on this forum.  But since we're not supposed to post eBay links, just go to eBay and search "Lionel Yuengling".  The first hit I got is this boxcar currently "on sale" for $176 down from the original $200 buy-it-now.  Still pricey, but if you want it... go for it.

Best of luck!!!


P.S.  If you check recent sales, somebody paid $200 for one of these boxcars, but the dust seems to be settling around the $140-ish mark.

Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer