The RK Daylight ran with my DCS system and it responds to the Z750 because when I performed the 1-whistle and 5-Bell reset to factory engine one I get the two toots that indicates a return to engine One address.
Everything works just great with the Z750, but the Commander is dead to it, though as stated above it talks to the Blue Comment.
I know the Daylight is 2.O because I used it many times with my DCS system and I doubt if it would of responded to the reset if the system was no longer working.
Could it be possible that the Daylight has a version of DCS that dose not recognize the Commander system? The directions talks about pre 1997 systems not working with it but I don't think any of them are DCS 2.0.
Or is there another reset I should be using?
I know that this topic should be on the DCS page but we have been talking so much about the Commander over the past week or two here I thought the problem might be fun to kick around.
Thank you for any input, even if your answer makes me feel like a dummy.