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Reply to "Design of a $10-20 DCS-TIU Port Tester Tool?"

I would like to try this out. Not sure I can make a PCB? If so that would take me some time, but I might try it anyway? Breadboard is probably what I will start with. I know GRJ can probably put one out in a few minutes. He may even have one posted here by the time I post this? 

My only question (I think) would be what type of caps did you use and were the resistors precision or just regular old 5% resistors? I am going to place a Digikey order for all that I don't have. Or maybe just order it all along with some extras.

Thank you again Adrian, for doing all this stuff and posting here for the rest of us. I find it all very interesting, make that fascinating! As I have said before most is over my head, but still very interesting and some may even rub off on me one of these days. 

Last edited by rtr12