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Reply to "Experiences With International Purchases' Additional Costs ?"

Jim @CNJ Jim:

Getting anything to Australia is always a real PIA, but I have found over the years if you are purchasing anything from THAT AUCTION SITE (Fleabay), they calculate all of the taxes and shipping costs involved in getting the goods out of Europe, or Great Britton, or where-ever, to your particular country. The costs they post is usually the total amount you have to pay, before the goods are sent.

This will always include sales/import tax (whether applicable or not - trust me, I have argued with them till I'm blue in the face that we Australians don't pay sales/import tax on second-hand goods, if the value of the goods remains under $1,000 Aus.) They also ensure the seller fills out the correct Customs paperwork etc. before their own shipping agent (Global Shipping Program/International Shipping Program) gets a hold of it to post it to you.

Fortunately, this is unlike a certain American Auction House that were engaged to sell off all of the old MTH products and parts......they have a terrible reputation, as far as I am concerned. They have no idea on shipping to Australia, and, at one time, I was charged twice for one consignment that they incorrectly addressed and was returned to them, only to charge me again to have it shipped out again with the correct address.

We have a saying in Australia........NOT HAPPY JAN!!!!!

Hope this gives some comfort that you won't be charged for "extras" if you purchase from Ebay.....all of the "extra charges" will be added in at the check-out phase, long before it hits the road!!!!

Peter.......Buco Australia.
