@Gary P posted:@gunrunnerjohn
I saw you recommend using a 500 ma current rating for PTC'S to protect LED Lighting. What voltage rating PTC resetable fuse would you recommend for conventional running of passenger car LED Lighting. I'm never over 12 Volts max on the meter while running as I have a fairly small layout with O-36 curves, so no hi-balling speed for me! I know you recommend a much higher voltage rating for TVS Diodes, should the PTC have a rating like the TVS? I'm planning on doing some LED Lighting in Lionel and MTH passenger cars in the future, and want to do it right the first time. I appreciate your input and knowledge. Thanks!
Use something with 30 to 50 volt max rating, that covers anything you'll see on the tracks. The 500ma is to protect the wire, it just has to be enough above the actual current draw to not be heating itself during normal operation.