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Free Black or Orange Modules for Legacy

*** 1st post was Edited to provide latest information so you don't have to read the entire thread to get the current Info! ***

I was cleaning up some stuff and noticed I had a pile of blue modules for my command base.  That got me thinking...  I popped one apart and checked inside, and they have two Atmel 24C512 EEPROM chips inside for 128kb of memory.  I got the datasheet for the chip and noticed there is a file protect that if tied to VCC inhibits writes, but if it's floating or grounded, writes are enabled.

I checked and indeed the WP pin was connected to VCC.  I picked the pin off the pad for the two chips and stuffed it into my command base and attempted to write a module.  No sweat, writes it just like a black module!  I then took an unmodified blue module and tried again, an immediate error popped out.

The White and Orange modules only include one chip, so they can't do the base or remote updates.  However, they can be made writable so you can make single or multi engine modules, see below.

*** Current and best modification method ***

On recommendation from an expert later in this thread, I found out that the other jumper pad was actually to ground the write protect pin to insure that write was enabled, so that's the direction I took for later mods.

I chopped open a white module, and as expected, there was only one chip.  However, the exact same technique yields a nice module you can use to create a single or multi-engine module with.  I dressed these up to use them as Legacy modules for my Legacy engines that don't have a module.


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn
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