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Reply to "Free Black or Orange Modules for Legacy"

Originally Posted by Lionelzwl2012:
Wonder if an orange module has the same insides and can be done this way also. How about it john. got one you could try? I have a blank one from a mikado that was never programed at the factory. Still kept it thinking maybe one day it could come in handy. Hum maybe today?

I see no reason that the Orange modules would be any different than the blue or black ones, I'll bet the white generic ones are the same as well.



Originally Posted by bigdodgetrain:

Success!!!  took the module into the sun and saw the pin used an X-acto knife tip and fliped out the pin. 

Piece of cake!   I just made six of them, I even took the shells down and sprayed them black.  If I weren't so lazy, I'd probably buff off the paint from the Lionel logo and make them look just right.



Originally Posted by Nick12DMC:

John, Thanks for posting this great tip!.

Success, 1.51 installed (upgraded direct from 1.3)


I guess it's working for sure.




One tip for folks converting multiple modules at one time.  Keep the two halves of the shell together and put them together as one at the end.  When you pull them apart, the glue doesn't always separate exactly the same, so the best fit will be the original pieces together again.
