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Reply to "Free Black or Orange Modules for Legacy"

Originally Posted by bigdodgetrain:


has anyone who removed the two pins had any troulble with their update?  I have not.

Nope, not so far.  However, I took the previous advice to heart and since I do have the proper tools and practice, I figured I'd change my technique to the movement of the zero ohm jumper.


Originally Posted by brucefclark:

John would you post a larger picture of the zero resister changes with more descriptive lables for us vision challenged OF's.  Thanks Bruce

If you click on the previously posted photo, it will zoom to full size.


Originally Posted by Norton:

Interesting that the Zero Ohm resistor seems to be marked as a diode (D1) both on the board and the device.

Yep, but there was really a zero ohm resistor there, and the pins go to VCC and ground from it, so I figured it was the right component.  Not to mention it was the only choice, other than that cap at the lower left.
