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Reply to "Garden and railway complete re-hash"

@Mark Oles posted:


I saw you have lost your lettering for the loco.  I have a cricut vinyl cutter and could maybe see about making you some lettering for the loco.  These are permanent vinyl and I've been doing a lot of repaints here and relettering.  Unfortunately, I do not have all of the exact fonts.  If you have a digital file of the lettering you need in the size you want it, I can see.  Vinyl is harder to work with when the sizes get below about 1/4" tall. Judy4judy5MRR1MRR2SCMX1SCMX2

Hi Mark, thanks for that however I've got new decals from the states for the B&O lettering  and a pal of mine has done me a sheet of B&O roundels. I just bought another Aristo pacific from a guy down  in England  ,its the last production run with the better drive unit. I'm looking to knock it into a C&O F19 pacific with vandy tender. B&O didn't run P7 pacifics with vandies. So I might take you up on your offer as and when and if I get round to that. 
