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Reply to "Garden and railway complete re-hash"

Hi Guys, well ,got a decent shift in today despite the weather. Nipped into a local dump this afternoon and found that some kind soul had dumped a pile of good used paving bricks, or "mono-block" as we call them over here. So I thought... just the very thing for my access path,plenty still lyin to finish the job so I'll be back for more tomorrow....  The edge of the path next to the G track is a few inches away from the edging stones I'll fill this with compost and plant it with thymes and other miniature plants. Ditto for the rock work next to the O gauge track-bed, have left enough room for plants there too. DSCN5208DSCN5209  


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  • DSCN5208
  • DSCN5209
Last edited by Davy Mac