Window installation on the PRR DD-1 electrics, UP GE #1 turbine and NYC T-3 electric.
It took a full day just to install the windows!
PRR DD-1 electrics.
The interiors of these were all smooth so one piece of clear plastic (from tops of Christmas card boxes) was taped to the windows. This process didn't take long to install.
The front windows were difficult to access so individual pieces of plastic were glued using canopy glue.
Just one window could be glued 'at a time' to insure no movement while installing each window, let the canopy glue dry and then do another window.
The front side window also had to be individually glued.
With the hand rails soldered on the inside, the windows had to be trimmed 'just right' so they were flush to the surface.
UP GE#1 turbine diesel.
It was easiest to trim the front window 'glass' from the 'outside' and then use canopy glue to secure it from the inside.
The glue had to dry on one side before doing the other side.
The 2 front side windows needed special trimming and using canopy glue.
The remaining side windows could be taped.
The back window could not be accessed from the inside so I just used canopy glue to make the window.
To be 'truthful' the canopy glue windows are, probably, more realistic than the clear plastic!
Each side light has the 0402 LED's installed.
NYC T-3 electric.
Lots of 'bumps' in the interior so each window had to be glued 'in place'.
Again, a 'slow process' as only one side could be done 'at a time' and 'ditto' on each front window.