Track installation in the passenger yard.
No track 'hand laying'; just commercial stuff.
There's 1500' of hand laid track plus 100 hand made turnouts: Lazy in my old age!
The passenger yard adds about another 250' of track.
The first turnout (right handed) added to the existing track.
Cut a lot of the ties (under the rail and between the two tracks) in case I need to flex part of the turnout.
I got a good 'deal' on some #6 turnouts but they were code 70.
Squished the rail joiners and soldered the code 70 on top of the rail joiners.
Cut one of the turnouts about 2.5" shorter to get all the turnouts close to each other since space was critical for the trains.
4 new tracks plus the original gives me 5 more passenger tracks.
A cardboard divider from a box of candy raised the 3 code 70 turnouts to the 100 code rail.
Turnout points used to provide 'juice' to each of the tracks.
Prior to installation I used a Dremel wire brush to clean all points, stock rail and ends of the rail.
Caboose hobbies 'ground throws'.
I cut a V notch under the 'ground throw' to insure no binding.
Clear plastic 'protector' reattached to the side and the 5 short passenger trains can now depart without having up to 3 trains 'in front of it'!
I put labels with the engine address at each turnout.
There is a long lead track to the 5 passenger trains.
Hopefully, I don't do anything stupid like acquire another passenger train