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Ideas for a more realistic bell cord

I just received a like new 6-38055 Santa Fe Northern #3751. I grew up in San Bernardino and remember it being on display there, which is why I wanted this loco.

Anyway, as any of you who own Lionel steamers probably know, the “bell cord” is a relatively inflexible filament that runs from cab to bell, passing through some guides on the boiler. But to me, it does not look right at all. It does not lay flat, but rather stands stiffly away from the boiler more like a pipe than a line.

Question: anyone have any experience making it look more prototypical? Any suggestions as to adjusting the existing cord or replacing with something else? The bell itself also swings, which is a nice detail but does mean you can’t put any tension on the cord.

thanks for any ideas.

p.s.. I love seeing and hearing the engine run, but there is one thing about the crew talk that kind of irrationally bothers me. They keep saying “over and out” to end the radio dialog. That’s not radio protocol, and it just bugs me! 😀

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