@DILLI posted:Wow. Now you are tempting me...
One of our club members brought a set of C&O heavyweight passenger cars to run on our traveling layout on the the Saturday before Christmas. Truly handsome cars in blue and yellow. But I could hardly watch them go around the layout with their hot spot, incandescent lighting: two spots per car and 12 in the six car set since becoming accustomed to the even lighting of LED strip lighting. I regret not getting photos of them; they'd be the best advertisement for converting to LED strip lighting.
Having converted my silhouette passenger cars several years ago, I've come to really appreciate the even lighting more than anything else. But if I ran 7 to 10 car passenger trains, the reduction in current draw would be more important.
Here's a comparison photo of a club member's GN Empire Builder observation car with Town and Country LED replacement screw type LED bulbs, with my LED strip lighting equipped GM&O car. Both are PW LIONEL style silhouette cars. The screw-type LED's seem to reduce, but not eliminate, the hot spot effect. (I prefer a brighter effect than most.)
And here's a couple of photos: a before and after comparison of LIONEL's incandescent bulbs and LED strip lights in a full dome car I recently did for a club member. These aren't the standard, PW style silhouette inserts; they're more translucent. But the hot spots of the incandescent bulbs v. the even lighting of the LED strip lights remains.
@gunrunnerjohn's kits make the installation of strip lights very easy for anyone who can uses a screwdriver.
(Click on the images to view full size.)