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Inexpensive Bachmann On30 has vanished, why?

Seems like overnight, all the vendors on eBay who sold Bachmann On30 stuff for good prices dried up or changed their prices. Now, even the Bachmann anniversary boxcars (which people only ever bought to strip and re-paint) are going for almost full retail.

I have a few questions about this.

  • Does this mean that Bachmann no longer offers bulk deals to high-traffic dealers?
  • Have they stopped making as much rolling stock? Some things like the diesel 'critters' were as common as rain and now you can hardly find them at any price.
  • Are people paying these much higher prices at all?
  • Could it be argued that inexpensive On30 was getting people into the hobby and now it might be self-defeating?

All i know for sure is I'm glad I got while the getting was good. Could routinely get freight cars for about $20 each and passenger cars for $30 max. Those days ended virtually overnight. I was buying and modifying cars as I could while I planned on the layout. So by the time the benchwork was down and the the track laid and wired, I already had all my rolling stock done (except for one caboose kit and to weather my locomotives). I'm so glad I did that, as I couldn't afford to do it now for the amount of rolling stock I have ready to go now!

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