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Reply to "Inexpensive Bachmann On30 has vanished, why?"

Agree with Lee. It wasn't too long ago ads in Model Railroader had 3 On30 freight cars for $39. The newest models are exactly the same, but at 3x the street price. I have no issues with prices increasing over time, I get it. But 3x in just a few years?


My guess is Bachmann is trying to make up for all the "free" gear sets they needed to produce and mail out. While the steam locomotives are all outstanding and have great value, I personally don't feel a Bachmann On30 reefer is worth $50 street, let alone $78 retail.


On the plus side, the prices have made me look at the many "ma and pa" manufacturers of On30 kits. There is a great selection out there and the final result blows away anything Bachmann can produce.


I'm with ya though. The days of On30 being "Narrow Gauge for Everyone" are over. A newbie will look at those prices and go back to the shelves and shelves of HO.




Edit -- I'll add that Bachmann has said they believe the market is saturated with On30 products, and more will be produces when the supply dwindles a bit. Also, I've watched the price of boxcars from The Favorite Spot go from $29 to $33 to $37 in just the last month. Amazing...

Last edited by ScottyB