Before I created my Microsoft Access database, I had these columns in my spreadsheet (I still use the spreadsheet to make entries every time something is added to my collection; then I occasionally will add to my database):
Seq # (so I can sort any way I want to)
Cat No
MA (I check this item when I have the item in the database)
Series / Set
Group (my own grouping of items)
Road Name Code
Road Name Description (would love to move this to a table and link it to the above item so my database isn't so big)
Road Logo
Reporting Mark
Cat (category according to Yard Office)
Type (according to Yard Office)
Min Curve
Status (according to Yard Office?)
Config (according to Yard Office?)
Years Cataloged
Purch Date
Sold by
Purch Price
S & H / Tax
Calc. Total
% MSRP Purch Price
Item Cond
Best Value
% MSRP Best Value
CY Greenberg Value
% MSRP CY Greenburg Value
MITrains Value Date (MITrains database is no longer available)
MITrains Value Price (MITrains database is no longer available)
% MSRP MITrains Value Price (MITrains database is no longer available)
Box Type
Box Cond
Images (up to 8)